“He will make your path straight” (Prov.3:6).

April 30, 2013 at 4:16 pm

I wrote this early on in my mom’s diagnosis.  I am posting the earlier days to share the journey we’ve been on.

I am so grateful for this time in my life. With a fresh perspective, I am seeing how God is using the bent in my life for His purpose. I am grateful to my husband who has stayed the course of our vision for living on one income, enabling me to be free to raise the children, trusted me to take care of the household affairs, and encouraged me to reach out to others in need. I am privileged to see the fruit of our labors. In our 50th jubilee years, we’ve seen our efforts ripen as our children move on toward adulthood, cautiously and yet confidently. My husband has risen into leadership in his work and in ministry. I am able to do a variety of activities, enriched by the lives that come my way.
Today, I went by  my mother’s place on my way to Walmart. As usual, she was with her friend and they both wanted to go along. We strolled the aisles of Walmart slowly and patiently, everyone getting what she wanted. I reflected back how several years ago when I first started taking my mother to the grocery store, it was a trying experience for me. The pace was too slow and deliberate, the pending dementia  revealed in unnecessary selections, the seemingly inconsiderate, laborious trek throughout the entire store. I would go after my Y workout so I always was weak from hunger and ready to fall out from exhaustion. I had to reconcile myself to the reality that this would pass, it was an activity for us to do together, she needed the exercise and to embrace the moments I had with her. I remember passing another  elderly mother with daughter team and heard the daughter berating her mother about the very things that had frustrated me. I was embarrassed for the daughter who so freely vented  her annoyance.  I was grateful that I was overcoming those thoughts and had found ways to endure the challenges.
Today as we drove home, I felt an overwhelming satisfaction from our outing. Grateful to be able to do it, free from the busyness of life and offering a service that they both enjoyed. Momma thanked me for the ride and I said that I knew she especially enjoyed being able to help out her friend by bringing her along. I told her I must have gotten my desire to  help people from her as this is how she had lived her life. She looked ahead and smiled to herself. We unloaded at the drive up door. They packed their parcels into the rollator baskets and thanked me for my time, that they really appreciated it.   I am never more humbled and complete than after providing that happiness. It feels so right that I have no doubt God has prepared me for this time and I am enjoying being in His service.
The people in my life continue to bless me in so many different ways. The encouraging words, the camaraderie, the needs I can meet. Thank you, Lord for letting me see your way.  “Trust in the Lord with all you heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all you ways, acknowledge Him and He will make you path straight” (Prov. 3:5,6).

August 28, 2009