Opening the door to opportunity.

November 24, 2014 at 8:24 pm


Sometimes when opportunity knocks, it takes a while to sort out the answer.  I have mulled over such an answer for some time now.  I refused the offer at first, but it was always in the back of my mind.  I tried to find someone else to seize the opportunity, but none prevailed.  I continued to consider the opportunity, making it a regular topic in prayer, and I looked for confirmation for a decision. While on a recent trip to the Smokey Mountains, my husband took this photo of me, relaxing in the warmth of our porch.  When I saw the photo, I found the answer that I sought.

A purple beam from above seemed to shine down upon me.  Purple?  Really?  The color of my watchband, my luggage, my purse, many of my clothes and accessories – the color I have worn for the last several years to represent the millions who are living with Alzheimer’s disease. Not that a beam of light was the main reason to help me decide, it was just more of a sign.  Okay, I thought, I’ll do it.

I’ve accepted the job of Ambassador for the Alzheimer’s Association for our area (AL 01).  That means I’ll be more vocal about the needs of families living with AD.  It means I’ll attend the Alzheimer’s Association Advocacy Forum in Washington, DC again this year and speak up in Montgomery when the time comes.  I want to see change in the many ways we serve and live with people with dementia.  May God bless all our efforts and inspire us to make positive changes.