Is hospice right for you?

December 11, 2012 at 1:47 am

Today we qualified for hospice.  We had to drop hospice three months ago when we  moved into a special care assisted living facility (SCALF).  Since we saw my mother’s doctor last week, I asked for an order to be reassessed.  Odyssey Hospice came out and did an extensive interview with me and momma,  gave me an overview of their services and we filled out paperwork.  By the end of the assessment, I was given the news that we were approved.  This means that they will provide support and care for my mother by means of medications, pullups and bed pads, and 24/7 nursing care and all medical equipment related to the terminal illness. She will have a consistent CNA coming 3 days a week to bathe her. I can call on their social worker, enjoy spiritual care and can consult them for medical advice without leaving our facility. Having hospice is like having a safety net.  Maybe you qualify for hospice and just don’t know it.  Look into it.image

Welcome to Caregivers Unite. Let’s talk about local resources, referrals and ideas to make life richer for dementia care stakeholders.

November 27, 2012 at 3:59 pm

Do you have a question to ask, suggestion, referral, or recommendations to make? Here is the place to do it.

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purple angle symbol

This Purple Angel symbol can be used by anyone raising awareness regarding dementia. It symbolizes a guardian over those living with dementia, their families and friends, as well as all those working to raise awareness about dementia world wide.

Press-Register Opinion Page, Mobile, AL

November 27, 2012 at 3:49 pm
Local caregivers unite! (Guest Column)
Published: Wednesday, November 07, 2012, 2:53 PM     Updated: Thursday, November 08, 2012, 5:45 AM
IMG_0523_2.jpgBeth Reinert with her mother.

By Beth Reinert

Guest Columnist

My mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2008. Preparing for her long-term care, meeting her financial requirements and offering meaningful activities have dominated my life. In addition to caring for all of her needs, I’ve spent hours doing research on the Internet, reading books and making phone calls for just one reason: So I could provide her with the best care possible.The number of unpaid caregivers for Alzheimer’s patients in the United States totals over 10 million, yet the job is often lonely and unrecognized. Most of us aren’t prepared to take on such care of a loved one, but once the commitment is made, we have so much to learn.

While overcoming one challenge after another, I have come to realize how vital caregivers are. We are the ones who make the decisions that determine quality of life, medical care and safety. Even with help from my sister, I finally realized that a team of people is necessary to provide 24/7 care. But where do I go for help?

Finding a support group was a good place to start. The first time I sat down with families living with Alzheimer’s disease, I felt so relieved that I wanted to cry. Here were my comrades, the ones who knew what I was going through. I found good referrals, creative suggestions and listening ears from the group participants.

I also received help from the E.A. Roberts Center, from family members, from my church, from home health care, from hospice, from the staff at the assisted living facility where she lives and from the private sitters scheduled to keep her company.

I found resources through the South Alabama Regional Planning Commission and the Area Agency on Aging and became involved with them as a volunteer. They put on an annual Caregiver Conference that I attended for the first time last year. I still benefit from what I learned at the conference. Where else can you acquire facts on bladder and bowel health, hear about the latest products for incontinence and learn how to qualify for Medicaid when the time comes?

Information about these topics helped me overcome problems that seemed insurmountable at first. Now I face these issues and many others with confidence.

I’ve heard that the new optimism is solutions. Well, solutions can be found at the Caregiver Conference on November 14, 2012 at the Daphne Civic Center. It’s free to attend and they offer adult day care or in-home sitters at no cost to make it possible for you to attend. If you are a caregiver—unpaid or professional—I urge you to continue to educate yourself by attending this conference. Your job will become easier and the care you are giving will improve. You can even earn CEUs if you need them.

I want all caregivers to be able to easily access services from our local community. In my association with Area Agency on Aging, they have listened to my concerns about the needs of caregivers and dementia patients. As a result, the Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Association Helpline was developed and is ready to be launched on November 15. By calling 251-706-4680, local information and resources for family members or clients with Alzheimer’s or dementia can be found.

As my mother’s disease progresses, I know that we will embrace what each day brings. With continued faith and asking for help when we need it, I trust my mother will continue to have the care and love that she deserves.

For those interested in attending this year’s Caregiver Conference the final day to RSVP is Tuesday, Nov. 13. You can do so by calling 251-433-6541.

Beth Reinert has a master’s degree in education and serves on the South Alabama Alzheimer’s and Dementia Coalition. She can be reached at

Get to know the author

November 27, 2012 at 3:38 pm


Beth Reinert lives with Alzheimer’s Disease in many ways.  She worked as the  Recreation Director on a Special Care Unit for Alzheimer’s patients  for two years before her children were born.  Having a BS and MEd  from the University of South Alabama that specializes in Therapeutic Recreation prepared her for implementing appropriate activities and interaction.  Both her maternal and fraternal grandmothers died with the disease and she is the primary caregiver for her mother who is well advanced in the disease.  Beth is an avid writer and advocate for the elderly, particularly for those with dementia.  She is especially passionate for the plight of the caregiver who is walking the journey with a loved one living with Alzheimer’s disease.